The hallway to our music room is finally decorated and it’s a JLPS music code…ask any one of my students what it means and they will sing it back to you AND can play it on any “strumming instrument.” A right of passage and a sense of belonging. “We are Jean Lumb community.”
Author Archives: katherinefraser
JLPS Soundscapes
What JLPS sound is quietest? What JLPS sound surprises you? Where in JLPS do you make the most sounds? My 2023/24 Gr. 2-8 music students and I are discussing sound, pondering Murray Schafer quotes, and creating Soundscapes using recorded school sounds in GarageBand. Best start to our music program yet…like ever!
Toronto Summer Music Camp
AMAZING feeling to be leading Strings at a camp again (I miss Music by the Lake!) and especially with all three of my own kids as campers. I hope to bring some of my JLPS students with me next summer!
Rhythm Bingo
A tried and true June lesson plan. I love the build of excitement as they get 2 away, 1 away, BINGO! “I have 2 more 1 mores!”
Music Centres!
We love using centres in Music class. I always change the activities but pictured above are a student-led jam in the back of the room (circle of ukuleles/guitars), music books on the carpet, music apps on iPads, and a centre with me exploring new instruments (cello, electric guitar, and drum machine). I have them point to the next station before they move. Centres are also great for assessment and getting to listen to a smaller groups of kids!
“Change Sings” by Amanda Gorman
My Grade 2s and I wrote accompaniment chords and melody notes to our favourite words in this amazing story book. Amanda Gorman writes of hope and the need for change…it sings itself. I love how my students chose both minor and major chords.
“Outdoor” Music Showcase
Forest fire smoke?! I plan concerts very carefully but didn’t see this coming. We had very little time to pivot our set up from outside to the upper gym, but Ms Goggin, the kids, and I pulled it off! Gr 6/7 showed off our original Korean Drumming group composition, Gr 2s warmed our hearts with songs, 12 solo performers wowed us with their skills, and the School Band and School Singers? Well, there’s “Nobody Like You.”
Korean Drums
Air time before the downbeat! I feel very grateful for our borrowed TDSB Community Korean Drumming Kit and instructor Charles Hong. We all jammed and composed with the janggos, sogos, and buks. Kamsahamnida!
Listening, Improvising, and Composing…
are my favourite parts of music education. My students continue to astound me with their creativity and willingness to take musical leaps of faith. Their favourite listening games are “Clap/Double clap,” “Shoe Songs,” and “Pass the Paper in Silence.” Gr. 2-6s have also composed their own music using some “Western European Notation” – making sure we discuss that this is one way, and not the only or best way, to write down our music creations.FullSizeRender
Soundtrap competition on @msfrasermusic YouTube channel
Check it out! After our “Internet Famous” concert, JLPS Gr. 4-8s used a cool program called Soundtrap to each create music that they thought would go viral. Next students voted in anonymous class competitions. There were so many great pieces! The 9 winning pieces (two ties) are up on my brand new YouTube channel and the one that gets the most likes+views=the winner. It’s fun to hear and feel the excitement spread throughout our school community. We’re listening to each other.