Mystery of the Missing Guitar


A guitar is missing (but not for real) and IRC students are sleuthing – in style and with determination. Such a fun end of year Drama/Music unit! I had many come in full costumes (one with dyed hair) and one Gr. 4 student packed her own detective kit: magnifying glass, note pad, pencil, flashlight, and homemade sleeping potion….! Such creative, gung-ho, kids!

Music By the Lake

TDSB’s Music By the Lake is for Gr. 6-8 students and…for me! I loved teaching strings and spending a week by the water. Send your kids next year! Bands, Strings, Choral, Guitar, and Steel Pan. Amazing learning.



Grade 2 bands

My Grade 2 class begged to make their own bands. I’ve made quiet suggestions as THEY chose groups, chose instruments, switched instruments, came up with a rhythmic groove, chose a band name, switched instruments again, decided on solos, and then chose a beginning and end to their piece. Serious jamming at age 7/8!

